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Letters from Henry^7 Harrison Van Wicklin 


South River
May 5, 1897 (This letter is written 3 months after the death of Henry's wife, Mary Ann [JOY] who died giving birth to their 
youngest daughter, Elizabeth.)

Dear sister I was so glad to hear from you and more and that you are well and doing well as this leaves uss I suppose you are all don seeding and are having a nice rest but it seems there is no rest for me in this world But praise the dear lord we are promised sweet rest for the next if we prepare to Enjoy it then let us live tho If we never meet heare that we may meet in heaven to [fear?] no more you asked me for my little girl but I guess I will try and keep her myself and my boy are all the comfort I have I would rather you would tell me where I can get a good girl widdo for a companion for you do not know how lonly I am I want one about 35 or forty a good christen and that has no famly or a small one. I have a nice girl working for me now but 4 dollars a month is not is not picked up verry handy those hard times Charley Vanwicklin is with me spring he is going but (---) as he likes to stay this place better than he thought he he could we expect to get through seeding and planting next week if all is well give my love to all that inquire aftern me and If you ever get a visiting notion come and see uss all. If i could i would come down this season but times is to hard to think of that Tell Mary that I have got a better looking girl at work for me than hers and just as good and I hope she never will want a frend in this world for that seems to be the grates want when the only trew frend is gon nomore at present
So Good By,
Love from all
From all
H H Van Wicklin
South River

South River
Sept 30, 1900

Dear sister & Brothre
It gives me mutch plasure to answer your wealcom Letter that we receaved in due time we are all well and hope this will find you as well you said about me marrying how could I take care of little ones alone. I will now give you an introdction to my wife Mrs Elizea.J.Van Wicklin we have a baby 3 months on 5 Oct a girl mabie Mrs. Van will write to you will lives in Sundridge he is not married yet. Schuylar and isabell live with charley about 5 miles out of sundridge is (thare for?) there is plenty of work here & plenty plenty of ways to get read of our money as every thing is so dear we are thinking of going to whitmore mishagan in the spring wages is better thare & things not so high and a good chance to get a good farm I will send you a card & you can write to the agt curtis and find out you want we had 7 weaks very dry weather this summer and you can guess how crops is we live in the vilage house rent is high nomore write soon

Hy H Vanwicklin
South River

The Mrs. Elizea referred to in the letter is Henry's second wife Elizabeth JOY, sister of Henry's first wife, Mary Ann JOY. Elizabeth's first marriage was to Edward Lloyd who died. When Henry died in 1908 she married Joe Driver. The JOY sisters, Henry's two wives, were born in Kent, England. The "will" referred to is probably Henry's younger brother William, b. in 1856...and the Schuyler and isabell and charley are probably his oldest brother, James Schuyler (b. 1834) and his wife, Isabella [Wright], and their son, Charles (b. 1864). The "Charley" might also be his older brother Charles (b. 1836). The sister and brother to whom this letter is addressed could be one of his other sisters (Mary, Sarah, Eliza Ann or Victoria) and one of his other brothers (John Gordon, Robert, George, Garrett, or LaFayette). Georgi Sills offers the following information about her grandfather Henry and some of the names in the letters...

"My grandfather was quite a simple man according to my Mom. I don't believe he ever owned the property which he farmed in South River, as someone did a lookup for me and he was noted as a tenant. He also was hard of hearing, and so was my Mom. ...my Mom had diptheria and measles together when she was very young, and it left her with a hearing problem. My oldest sister, Mary, who died in 1972, also had a slight hearing problem.

I know my Mom used to say that her Dad read the Bible, and I believe I told you I have it. I have looked through it as I wish he had of marked some of the passages, etc. ...but there isn't anything at all. But at least, I do know he held this Bible in his hands.

With reference to the "sister" to whom my Grandfather addressed his (1897) letter, I have always thought it might have been Elizabeth JOY LLOYD whom he later married. She already was his sister-in-law, and I am sure they always acknowledged in-laws as sisters. I have always thought also the one to Sister and Brother was to Charlotte and Charlie Strood who stood up for Elizabeth and my Grandfather when they married. Charlotte was also a sister of Elizabeth and my Grandmother, Mary Ann JOY. But, of course, this is only a summation on my part. I kind of thought this way as the JOY family lived in the area." (email from Georgi Sills, 13 Oct 1999).


Original letters in possession of Georgi VAN Sills; I have copies of the letters.